Monday, August 31, 2009

Looking Beyond Idols

Men! Why are you doing these things? We are men also, with the same nature as you, and we are proclaiming good news to you, that you should turn from these worthless things to the living God, who made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and everything in them. Acts 14:15

The church grew and many wonders were done through the apostles. The crowds were so awestruck that they proceeded to worship Paul and Barnabas as if they were gods. This was a case of misdirected worship.

Lord, this continues to happen today within your church and within the world.

Sometimes church leaders strive to be in the spotlight and sometimes they are placed in the spotlight by others. Either way, worship is misdirected.

This can also occur when individuals seek to use the gifts and talents you have given. We may become star struck by the attention we receive and forget that you are the source of those gifts and talents. Or, we can become so drawn to another individual that we place them on a pedestal. Either way, worship is misdirected.

Lord, give us humble hearts to reflect your glory and humble eyes to see beyond idols.


Laurie A. said...

love this ... love you.

Unknown said...


i need to be humbled.

Jennifer @ said...

Good gut-check for anyone in ministry. Thank you.

Jennifer @ said...

... Which, of course, means all of us (not just the pastors).

Kilauea Poetry said...

"This can also occur when individuals seek to use the gifts and talents you have given"..I think it stems from bad mentoring- ha? Really, I think we are almost corralled in that direction i.e., to pursue (inherent in the worlds system) your natural abilities...(oh, but you'll be using them for Jesus, right)