Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Looking Beyond Responsibility

But when they resisted and blasphemed, he shook out his clothes and told them, “Your blood is on your own heads! I am clean. From now on I will go to the Gentiles.” Acts 18:6

Paul took his responsibility too far when he violently persecuted Christians.

In this account, Paul knows when to stop and wash his hands of responsibility.

Responsibility is a heavy burden, especially when it involves the lives of other people.

We need a clear vision of our purpose. We need to know when to push. We need to know when to let go. And, we need to know that it’s okay to walk away.

This holds true for church ministry and daily living. It’s true in every relationship.

Lord, give us the wisdom to look beyond the burden of responsibility. Help us to know when to push, when to let go, and when to walk away.


Unknown said...

more than anything, i long to hear His voice most clearly in these areas of life.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Interesting. You look at it and it's so defined. In the midst of this unfolded fulfillment (we are living in), I would almost say accountability is our responsibility only cause I feel it's so easy to hide? Maybe, (and it was no different for them) but because we deal in that spiritual realm, often, one doesn't say I reject..(believers and non believers too) but you have to discern what it is your dealing with and make a decision..or, not so much protect yourself but recognize what it is. Warfare is subtle. Just some thoughts that came up?

Robin said...

Father I stand in agreement with Yvette, give your people the wisdom to look beyond the burden...he us to know how to enter in...when to push..when to let go..God thank you by your Holy Spirit you do not leave us alone. Bless Yvette this week as she studies and continues to push in. Open opportunities for her to rest in you. In Christ. Amen

Robin said...

Father I stand in agreement with Yvette, give your people the wisdom to look beyond the burden...he us to know how to enter in...when to push..when to let go..God thank you by your Holy Spirit you do not leave us alone. Bless Yvette this week as she studies and continues to push in. Open opportunities for her to rest in you. In Christ. Amen

Lorrie said...

I really like this and may do something similar with my own studies. Thanks for the inspriation :-)

Laurie A. said...

Abba, Paul was a man who like our Lord Jesus, wanted to do only what he saw You doing.

help us, i pray, that we may be so yoked to You that we can do no other but go where You go, speak the words You give us, do the things by Your invitation that You are doing.

our plans so often lead to death, Abba. today we choose life at the leading of Your Spirit Who leads us into all truth.

in Exodus 33 Moses beseeches You in saying that if Your presence ... Your peace and rest ... do not accompany him in his going ... that he would not go up from where he was.

may it be so with us Lord. may Your peace and rest characterize our journey because we journey hidden in You.

So be it!

Robin said...

Father send forth a clear revelation of your will upon your people. We need to stand firm on your truth, so we will not fall away from your ways. Have mercy on us, Lord Jesus.

Robin said...

P.S I have been working on the "I will devo's" for the month of October. Thanks for your suggestion. robin