I don't understand.
I don't understand why you allow people to suffer.
I don't understand why you don't stop natural disasters.
I don't understand why you don't heal all the sick and take away all disease.
I don't understand why you don't give food, water, and shelter to everybody.
I don't understand why you don't stop wars and fighting.
I don't understand
Hi there..this is a little long -sorry).
Certain images will often run through my mind..natural disaster or man's inhumanity, as well as the treatment of animals -whether in Korea, China or here.. which are just played out differently? I sat in bed trying to wrap my mind around some of these people in Japan..waiting in some shelter..cold, with just the clothes on their back..nothing but uncertainty..the loss of family, homes- paperwork? It's staggering! Well, I look at the world like a parable.. when I garden there are so many parallels. First, preparing the seed- to all the things you have to do to help it withstand adversity. On the one hand we understand there will be loss due to lack of soil, falling on rocks or weeds- as it doesn't last..then cares of the world too- what have you. It's almost like one minute your outside it all juggling scripture. But the suffering.. When I think of my kids or something..I sweat and pray..we're engaged, so we can look to his promises and be comforted (I shudder, reminded of how he brought me through so I've made it a point to impart that truth (I'm comforted but don't rest in it (lol). We can hold the pearl up..the real vision..that separates the dross. The earth is really under judgement.. so there will be a lot of chaff..its the price? Seems one thing is clear..he's given us time while here to at least move into allignment with where he's going. Seems we often get caught up on the object- I do) i.e., value we place on life itself or here (it is..don't get me wrong) but the other is the pearl or his objective his highest priority/direction. When the crisis comes...we'll be able to stand.
Great write..."I don't understand
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